Category Archives: Dr. Karen’s Podcast Guests

November 30, 2021

Fred Sievert Part II: Post-Retirement Leadership Legacy

In this Part II interview episode, Fred Sievert, retired President of New York Life, talks about how he pays and invests his leadership legacy forward through his books, speaking engagements, and mentoring of others. In this episode he shares his journey from junior high school math teacher to corporate executive, Yale Divinity School student, and now to author, speaker, and influencer. Dr. Karen also interviews Fred about the role of divine appointments, intercessory prayer, and spiritual sharing. There is vibrant and abundant life after retirement.

Reach Fred Sievert at

Fred Sievert

November 23, 2021

Fred Sievert, Former New York Life President Part I

Fred Sievert, retired President of New York Life, and author of three books including, “Fast Starting a Career of Consequence: Practical Christ-Centered Advice for Entering or Re-entering the Workforce” talks about how he lived out his Christian values while serving as President of a Fortune 100 secular company. In this Part I interview Dr. Karen interviews Fred about his corporate leadership journey, daily success practices, tough moments and decisions, life integration, and career success strategies from his book.

Reach Fred Sievert at

Fred Sievert

October 28, 2021

Kate Lanz: How to Leverage Male and Female Brains at Work

Kate Lanz, author of the book, All the Brains in the Business explores how to properly value brain gender differences at work. As Founder and CEO of Mindbridge, an executive coaching and business performance consultancy in the UK, she specializes in the power of neuroscience for releasing latent brain potential at work. Dr. Karen and guest Kate Lanz talk about brain gender differences as one of the biggest sources of untapped competitive advantage.

Reach Kate Lanz at


Kate Lanz

September 30, 2021

Magali Mathieu: A For Profit Company that Benefits Others

Magali Mathieu, a native of France, is the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) of Atlas Go. She and her partners CEO Thomas of Belgium, and COO Olivier of Switzerland created the San Francisco based Benefits corporation while studying social entrepreneurism in the United States. The B2B company and certified Benefit corporation melds technology and social impact to raise funds for non-profit organizations and create well-being and employee engagement in for-profit businesses. Dr. Karen interviews Magali about Magali’s life mission to be the best version of herself while healing and helping others to heal.

Contact Magali at;; @yoginionajourney (IG)

Magali Mathieu

August 31, 2021

Guest JV Crum III and the Conscious Millionaire Life

JV Crum III is the author of “Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business By Making a Difference.” Host of The Conscious Millionaire podcast, his show is heard by millions of listeners in 190 countries. JV is a limitless mindset and strategy coach and International Best Selling Author. A millionaire by the age of 25, he is on a mission to help 6, 7, and 8 figure entrepreneurs make millions by making their difference. Listen as Dr. Karen and guest, JV Crum III unpack new possibilities for connection to your deeper purpose and the expression of your uniqueness.

Conscious Millionaire Podcast Show:

Conscious Millionaire Website:

July 29, 2021

Sabina Asadova: Take Charge of Your Health

Today’s guest, Sabina Asadova shares natural, wholistic, drug-free, and non-surgical ways to maintain optimal health and boost your immune system. Prevent COVID-19 and increase the likelihood that the illness will be minor if contracted. Sabina is the CEO of Global Health 2 Wealth Solutions, a Star Executive Marketing Director for wellness company, Youngevity, and a Registered Nurse (RN) for Health Partners Methodist Hospital, a top ten hospital based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dr. Karen and her guest, Sabina Asadova, unpack multiple effective and practical ways to be your own health advocate.

Reach Sabina Asadova at

June 29, 2021

“Winning the Race to Unity” in Corporations

Dr. Clarence Shuler is the President and CEO of Building Lasting Relationships. As a Diversity Consultant he has worked with numerous organizations to include the War College of the US Air Force, the US Army’s European-Based Equal Opportunity Advisors, the Moody Bible Institute, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. An author of ten books, his book Winning the Race to Unity is a guidebook on how to leverage diversity for mutual benefit. Today, Dr. Karen and her guest talk about how companies can move from symbolic to sustainable change and why the terms racial reconciliation and anti-racism are not helpful.

Reach today’s guest at

Dr. Clarence Shuler BLR

June 24, 2021

Dr. Clarence Shuler: Threats to Successful Executive Marriage

Dr. Clarence Shuler is the President of Building Lasting Relationships.  He and his wife Brenda are the winners of the 2019 Family Life Speaker of the Year Award. Dr. Shuler, a marriage expert for Oprah’s 2020 Love Goals Reality show; speaker with New York Times Best Selling author, Dr. Gary Chapman for The Five Love Languages and Date Night Events; and author of more than ten books, shows how to affair proof your marriage. His book, “Keeping Your Wife Your Best Friend” is a favorite.  In this episode Dr. Karen speaks with Dr. Shuler about how to win at home and in marriage as a busy executive.

Reach today’s guest at

Dr. Clarence Shuler BLR

May 27, 2021

Interview with Jeffrey Harris: Co-Founder of Plant Power Fast Food

Jeffrey Harris is the Co-Founder, Co-Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of Plant Power Fast Food also sometimes called the Vegan “McDonald’s”. He and his partners Mitch Wallis and Zach Vouga opened their first restaurant in San Diego, CA in 2016. Today the company is expanding exponentially to open its first restaurants outside of Southern California. Dr. Karen talks to Jeffrey about their “secret sauce” to success, the importance of their why, what they have learned along the way, and what’s required to go to the next level. Dr. Karen and Jeffrey unpack powerful leadership lessons for any company committed to long-term success.

You may reach Jeffrey at;

Jeffrey Harris Plant Power Fast Food

April 29, 2021

Matthew Manos: Reflections on How to be a “Very Nice Company”

Guest Matt Manos, the Founder and Managing Director of verynice, a design and strategy practice shares how his company gives away half of its profits and services and remains profitable. With a mission to reduce expenses for nonprofit organizations and to increase access to design for all, they have already given away more than 40 million US dollars. Dr. Karen uncovers many golden nuggets from Matt on business purpose and why, reinvention, community service, and more. Today’s Biblical Word of Wisdom is “The Generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters, will also be watered himself.” Proverbs 11:25

Reach Matt Manos at and read his book at

Matthew Manos of verynice