Monthly Archives: May 2021

May 27, 2021

Interview with Jeffrey Harris: Co-Founder of Plant Power Fast Food

Jeffrey Harris is the Co-Founder, Co-Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of Plant Power Fast Food also sometimes called the Vegan “McDonald’s”. He and his partners Mitch Wallis and Zach Vouga opened their first restaurant in San Diego, CA in 2016. Today the company is expanding exponentially to open its first restaurants outside of Southern California. Dr. Karen talks to Jeffrey about their “secret sauce” to success, the importance of their why, what they have learned along the way, and what’s required to go to the next level. Dr. Karen and Jeffrey unpack powerful leadership lessons for any company committed to long-term success.

You may reach Jeffrey at;

Jeffrey Harris Plant Power Fast Food

May 25, 2021

The Unexpected Benefit of Limitations

Did you know that limitations often spark creativity and ingenuity? When you experience limitations in your business, look beyond them to see what you can create. In today’s podcast, Dr. Karen shares the story of her mother who accomplished remarkable feats while confined to a wheelchair. She uses the lessons from her mother as well as spiritual examples to show what is possible in the workplace even when you experience limitations.

May 20, 2021

Corporate Memorial Day: Celebrating Your All Stars

As an organizational leader, you have the opportunity, to honor the heroes of the Memorial Day holiday. Expand the honor to include the founding fathers and mothers of your company and the sacrifices they have made for you and others to be where you are today. Listen to this podcast and to Dr. Karen share anecdotes about the history and thoughtful meaning of the Memorial Day celebration. Identify what you can do to further personalize the meaning for your setting.

May 18, 2021

A Lump of Coal or a Diamond in the Rough?

When it comes to your human capital, how do you turn a lump of coal into a diamond in the rough? Through many weights and pressures over time, coal turns to diamonds. Bring out the diamond essence in your people by putting them in key jobs that stretch them and cause them to grow. In this podcast, Dr. Karen reveals additional diamond development strategies.

May 11, 2021

How Are you Treating Your MVPs?

With someone as talented as football quarterback Aaron Rodgers, what kept his team, The Green Bay Packers, from winning the Super Bowl more than once? What does this football analogy have to do with business and leadership? Dr. Karen believes it has a lot to do with identifying your business MVPs and creating the right teams around them. In this podcast she articulates this concept.

May 6, 2021

The National Day of Prayer

In 1952, President Harry Truman signed into law the official National Day of Prayer. How shall we pray at times like these? What shall we pray, for our country? What prayers are important for business leaders and owners? Dr. Karen shares her ideas and generously makes a special offer in this podcast segment.

May 4, 2021

Pandemic Vacation

Even God rested on the 7th day! Have you been taking time off for vacation during the pandemic? In this episode, Dr. Karen shares several creative and pragmatic vacation ideas, including some staycation plans. Explore this podcast and enjoy your next vacation.