Monthly Archives: April 2022

April 26, 2022

Interview with Alison Cornell, CFO to large national and global Corporations

Alison Cornell, a certified Treasury Professional, was Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of two major New York Stock Exchange listed corporations, both of which were global. Prior to those roles, she held significant financial positions at AT&T where she learned how to be a corporate executive. Even today, women hold only 10% of major corporate CFO jobs. Currently Director and Audit Committee Chair at ZIVO Bioscience, Inc and Chou2 Pharma, Ms. Cornell is still committed to the development of women both in the US and abroad. Join Dr. Karen and Ms. Cornell for senior executive leadership development lessons you can apply today.

April 21, 2022

Will Smith, Chris Rock, and the Oscars

What life and business lessons can we learn from the incident at the Oscars between Will Smith and Chris Rock? What do you do when you approach the pinnacle of success, and the Enemy comes to disrupt your blessings? As a marketplace ministry leader, how do you resolve serious altercations and conflicts in the workplace? Dr. Karen shares her insights and Biblical strategies for resisting the Devil at work.

April 19, 2022

Resurrection Day: Current Applications

Events are not always as they appear. Jesus conquers the last enemy, the death that brings us so much pain. As Jesus was dying on the cross, it may have looked like defeat even though He was securing the greatest victory ever. In this episode, Dr. Karen reflects on world and personal events of suffering to remind us that the final story is bigger than what we see. God invites us to trust Him even when we don’t understand.

April 12, 2022

From Success, to Significance, to Surrender with Dean Niewolny, Chairman of the Board of Halftime

Dean Niewolny, Chairman of the Board and Ambassador of Halftime Institute, spent 23 years in executive roles with three of Wall Street’s largest financial firms. Inspired to go beyond success to serving others, he and his wife began trips to South Africa and now provide orphan and hospice care in Durbin. The author of “Trade Up: How to Go From Just Making Money to Making a Difference,” Dean talks to Dr. Karen about what he has learned on the journey and how the Halftime Institute creates life transformation for the marketplace executives they serve.

Reach Halftime at and Dean at

April 7, 2022

27 Years of Living Leadership Legacy

On this 27th year birthday month of TRANSLEADERSHIP, INC.®, Dr. Karen reflects on the birth, calling, and purpose of the Company. She also talks about the necessity to walk by faith and to believe the promises of God to experience the abundant life the Messiah came to give. Dr. Karen poses several powerful questions for us to consider personally and for our teams.

Reach Dr. Karen here: