Monthly Archives: June 2024

June 25, 2024

Dr. Cedric Williams: How to Bring Values, Respect, and Collaboration to DEI Work (Episode # 482)

Dr. Cedric Williams is the founder and CEO of Legacy Consulting and Research Group. He and his group provide leader development models and services to help individuals, teams, and organizations to thrive. As a licensed clinical and consulting psychologist, Dr. Williams integrates psychology for the benefit of executives and leaders in Fortune 100 companies.

Dr. Williams’ research interests include multicultural humility and competence, occupational thriving, and leadership. His positive and fresh perspective on DEI work with first responders, including the police, mobilizes organizational strengths and mutual learning to co-create the best approaches forward.  He has also served on the executive board of the American Psychological Association’s Society of Consulting Psychology as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) chairperson.

In addition, for 22 years as an active duty and reserve United States Army soldier and officer, he served soldiers and their families. In his book “Brick by Brick: Becoming a Clinical and Consulting Psychologist,” Dr. Williams says, “We don’t just stumble upon careers and lives that fulfill us, we build them brick by brick.”

Contact Dr. Cedric Willliams at;

June 18, 2024

Raccoons, Squirrels, and Magpies, Oh My! (Episode # 481)

Have you ever battled with local wildlife intruders in your home or neighborhood? Dr. Karen has faced these challenges in the past and is dealing with them now.

In this episode she shares her story and extracts eye-opening insights and analogies about traps and “free food.” Dr. Karen says, “free food isn’t really free since there is always a cost, even if hidden.” She also says we can choose to be free rather than trapped by “golden handcuffs,” undesirable personal relationships, or loss of citizen freedoms.

Check out this episode to discover the full story and more executive leadership insights.

Contact Dr. Karen at

June 11, 2024

Pastor Troy Gramling: How To Reach Your God Potential and Purpose (Episode # 480)

Pastor Troy Gramling has led South Florida based Potential Church for over two decades. Through his leadership the Church has experienced remarkable growth and blossomed into a vibrant congregation of over 20,000 members in the United States and Latin America. Pastor Troy has an unwavering commitment to his vision to partner with people to reach their God potential.

Before answering his pastoral calling, Pastor Troy honed his skills as a college basketball player and later as a coach, where he sharpened the values of teamwork, discipline, and dedication, that he now imparts to his congregation.

The author of the book, “Potential: The Uncontainable Power of God Within You,” Pastor Troy is known for his creative, innovative, and unconventional teaching methods that reach people from all backgrounds.

Today, in his conversation with Dr. Karen, Pastor Troy shares examples relevant for executive business leaders on how to move past fear to creativity, how to lead and live with authenticity and vulnerability to best develop others, and how to think at least three generations ahead to create lasting legacy.

Reach Pastor Troy at

June 4, 2024

Why Create Community at Work? (Episode # 479)

People are designed and created to be in community with other people. As social beings we suffer when in isolation, such as during the pandemic or if imprisoned in solitary confinement.

Did you know that your office or place of work is a prime place to create community?

What are the benefits of belonging to and creating community at work? As an executive leader, what can you prioritize and how will community-building benefit your company? In this episode, Dr. Karen shares insights to take people and workplaces to a higher level of engagement and productivity.

Subscribe to Dr. Karen’s YouTube channel