June 9, 2022

American Families Host Ukrainian Families

As many American families open their homes to host Ukrainian families, what are the lessons we can learn from these experiences? As a marketplace ministry leader, how can you leverage the power of your organization and your people to help these families in need? Dr. Karen shares her insights in this episode.

See NBC article by Mary Pflum: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/americans-hosting-ukrainian-refugees-encounter-unbelievably-difficult-rcna29580  

June 7, 2022

We Can Choose to be Friends or Enemies

There is a prohibitive cost to misinformation as it keeps people apart and often as enemies. The truth is the only thing that can change denial and distorted perspectives.  As Jesus said, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8: 32b)” In this episode, Dr. Karen shares a fascinating story from the war in Ukraine and lays the foundation to overcome war and hatred among people and nations.

See Atlantic Article by Peter Pomerantsev:  https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/05/putin-war-propaganda-russian-support/629714/

May 31, 2022

Mental Health Pandemic

God designed us to have a vertical relationship with Him and a horizontal relationship in community with one another. During this pandemic and even as we exit the pandemic we see, and have seen, a significant amount of mental health challenges. Is it possible that we have inadvertently disrupted God’s best plan for healing by attempting to work against, rather than with nature? Dr. Karen shares several insights about how the increased emphasis on a drug based culture and other variables may contribute to disconnection and mental health crises.

Download Dr. Karen’s Think Model: www.transleadership.com/THINK

May 24, 2022

Dennis Welch Interview I: Find the Hook that Makes You Memorable

Dennis Welch is the President and Owner of Articulate PR and Communications, a songwriter, and the author of two books, “So…What are You Saying?” and “Rich People Shop Here.” For 13 years he was also in management and a senior staff writer for the Gallup organization.  In this segment Dr. Karen speaks with Dennis about the joy in finding your calling, the best way to bring out the gifts in yourself and others, and how to be memorable as you make a unique impact. Dennis also sings one of his phenomenal songs.

Reach Dennis Welch at www.welch-words.com; www.bearticulate.com

May 17, 2022

Tribute to Thomas (Tom) E. Robinson (15 Dec 1945- 4 April 2022)

Tom Robinson, beloved husband, father; Star Athlete; Co-Founder of Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Company; Math teacher; Football, Basketball, and Golf Coach; High School and College Football Official; Associate Commissioner for the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA); and College Football Replay Official is now gone too soon at 76 years old. Tom lived an extraordinary life dedicated to shining the light and focus on others. In this heart-felt tribute, Dr. Karen shares his accomplishments, contributions, impact, and the immense love he had for his wife and soulmate. Dr. Karen concludes with five “Living Leadership Legacy lessons” we can learn from Tom Robinson.

Send Donations to CleoParkerDance.org

May 10, 2022

Conversation with Dr. Clarence Shuler on How Life-Changing Cross Cultural Friendships Can Heal Racial Divides

Dr. Clarence Shuler, President and CEO of Building Lasting Relationships, marriage counselor, speaker, life and relationship coach, diversity consultant, and author of more than 10 books joins Dr. Karen to talk about his new book, “Life-Changing Cross Cultural Friendships: How You Can Help Heal Racial Divides, One Relationship at a Time.” Dr. Shuler shares some of the lessons he has learned from his 54 year relationship with New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Gary Chapman, author of “The Five Love Languages.”

Reach Dr. Clarence Shuler at clarenceshuler.com. Purchase pre-sale copies of his book “Life-Changing Cross Cultural Friendships” from his site or Amazon

May 3, 2022

The Courage of the People of Ukraine

In this episode, Dr. Karen reflects on the courage of the Ukrainian people as they stand on their principles and values to fight an unprovoked war against Russia, a much larger country. She also shares more than ten examples of how Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy demonstrates effective and admirable leadership under fire. He embodies the principles and lessons she shares in her book, Lead Yourself First: The Senior Leader’s Guide to Engaging Your People for Greater Performance and Impact.”

Get Dr. Karen’s book on Amazon

April 26, 2022

Interview with Alison Cornell, CFO to large national and global Corporations

Alison Cornell, a certified Treasury Professional, was Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of two major New York Stock Exchange listed corporations, both of which were global. Prior to those roles, she held significant financial positions at AT&T where she learned how to be a corporate executive. Even today, women hold only 10% of major corporate CFO jobs. Currently Director and Audit Committee Chair at ZIVO Bioscience, Inc and Chou2 Pharma, Ms. Cornell is still committed to the development of women both in the US and abroad. Join Dr. Karen and Ms. Cornell for senior executive leadership development lessons you can apply today.