January 3, 2023

Where We’ve Been and Where We are Going (Episode # 396)

The start of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on the prior year and make plans for the upcoming year. In this episode Dr. Karen takes us through some of the highlights of her business and personal life as she reflects on gratitude for her accomplishments and challenges. She then shares her plans for 2023 including the word for the year, “Possibilities,” and its unique and powerful meaning. She concludes with a Success Action Plan that you too can use in your business.

Contact Dr. Karen at Dr.Karen@transleadership.com; 719-534-0949, ext.1 to explore how she can accelerate and elevate your executive success.

December 27, 2022

A Conversation with Rob Brown about Business Reputation and Recovery from a Major Health Crisis (Episode # 395)

Rob Brown, based in Nottingham, UK, the home of Robin Hood, is the author of the bestselling book, “Build Your Reputation”, host of the world’s only daily Fintech and accounting podcast, and leader of the Accounting Influencers Roundtable. Rob speaks with Dr. Karen about the importance of being distinctive and memorable in business branding and addresses how he came back from a major health crisis.  He also shares what difference his faith made in his recovery.

Reach Rob Brown on LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/therobbrown

December 22, 2022

Are You Looking for the Star? (Episode # 394)

What does it mean to have eyes to see, feet to follow, and a heart to worship God? In this episode, Dr. Karen shares these answers and more. Merry Christmas!


To participate in our Christmas drawing for a free copy of Terence Chatmon’s book, “Do Your Children Believe?” send an email to Admin@transleadership.com and write, “I Want Terence’s Book” in the subject line. The drawing of three winning names will occur on Friday, 23 December 2022 at 5 ET.


December 20, 2022

Conversation with Terence Chatmon: Are Your Children Prepared to Defend Their Faith? (Part 2) (Episode # 393)

Terence Chatmon is the President and CEO of Victorious Family, a family discipleship ministry that equips and empowers Family Champions, on five continents, to develop mature and thriving followers of Christ. Author of the five star best-selling book, “Do Your Children Believe?,” Terence offers a proven step by step process to create a personalized family discipleship plan that works for families, including those with grown children. His prior executive positions include significant roles at Coca Cola, Johnson and Johnson, Citibank, The John Maxwell Leadership Foundation, and Equip Leadership. Today he speaks with Dr. Karen about what parents can do to cultivate, in their children, the kind of life-giving love relationship with God that leads to lasting faith.

Go to VictoriousFamily.org to access discipleship resources


Send an email to Admin@transleadership.com and in the subject line write “I want Terence’s book.” The drawing for the free books will take place on 23 Dec 22 at 5 pm ET.

December 13, 2022

Are Your Children Prepared to Defend Their Faith? with Terence Chatmon (Part 1) (Episode # 392)

Terence Chatmon is the President and CEO of Victorious Family, a family discipleship ministry that equips and empowers Family Champions, on five continents, to develop mature and thriving followers of Christ. Author of the five star best-selling book, “Do Your Children Believe?”, Terence offers a proven step by step process to create a personalized family discipleship plan that works for families, including those with grown children. His prior executive positions include significant roles at Coca Cola, Johnson and Johnson, Citibank, The John Maxwell Leadership Foundation, and Equip Leadership. Today he speaks with Dr. Karen about what parents can do to cultivate, in their children, the kind of life-giving love relationship with God that leads to lasting faith.

Go to VictoriousFamily.org to access discipleship resources

Get Terence Chatmon’s book at DoYourChildrenBelieve.com  

December 8, 2022

The Connection Between Generosity and Trust in God? (Episode # 391)

What is the connection between generosity and trust in God? In this episode, Dr. Karen reveals how our generosity to others connects with how we recognize God as our Source for everything. Whether our giving is spontaneous or planned, God is the One who first gives to us so we can give to others. When we give sacrificially, we demonstrate our trust in God, the One who provides for us and for those He blesses through us.

Donate to:

Find treatments and a cure for Myoepithelial Carcinoma: CureMEC.org

Build the Worship Center in Rwanda: https://give.y360.org/give/canisius

Provide Bibles to Global Believers in their own language: www.bibleleague.org

December 6, 2022

The Benefits of Generosity (Episode # 390)

In this episode, Dr. Karen explores and explains the benefits of generosity. When we are generous, we align with God’s purpose to bless others through us. We become a vessel of blessing as the value from God passes through us to other people. The recipients of God’s generosity then praise and glorify God when we give.

Donate to:

Find treatments and a cure for Myoepithelial Carcinoma: CureMEC.org

Build the Worship Center in Rwanda: https://give.y360.org/give/canisius

Provide Bibles to Global Believers in their own language: www.bibleleague.org

November 29, 2022

“Sebastián’s Song” of Hope and Healing with Michael Casaus and Naomi Natale (Episode # 389)

Did you know that only 4% of all cancer research funds are dedicated to Children’s cancer? When parents Michael Casaus and Naomi Natale learned their then two year old son Sebastián had a rare, aggressive, and incurable Stage IV cancer they used their collective skills to create partnerships and a non-profit organization to raise funds to find treatments and a cure. They also created a community art project, “Sebastián’s Song” that has curated healing songs from around the world.  Michael is The Wilderness Society’s New Mexico state director, environmental advocate, long-term non-profit leader, and W.K. Kellogg Foundation Fellow. Naomi is an award winning community artist activist and Fellow of multiple organizations including TED Global. Join Dr. Karen to hear their family and community story of love, pain, grief, and gratitude.

Donate to CureMEC.org

Add your song to “Sebastián’s Song” at CureMEC.org

November 22, 2022

Conversation with Todd Isberner and Wendie Pett: Marriage in God’s Way and Timing (Episode # 388)

Todd Isberner and Wendie Pett knew they were soul mates from the beginning, yet it would take more than five years for their families to get on board. Both used their experiences from previous marriages as learning and growth opportunities. Committed to a godly courtship, they trusted God to work out the details. Today, Todd and Wendie speak candidly with Dr. Karen about what they do to keep their marriage vibrant and how they help other couples. Wendie also talks about her concept of the body as a Total gym and how she used her expertise in natural fitness to heal her broken clavicle without surgery. Tune in to their podcast, Your Biggest Breakthrough and to Wendie’s podcast, Visibly Fit.

Reach Todd at Toddisberner.com; Reach Wendie at wendiepett.com