Lead Yourself First Self-Assessment

Leaders are responsible for developing themselves first. Take the TRANSLEADERSHIP, INC.® Lead Yourself First Self-Assessment to identify your own strengths and development needs in leading yourself.

  1. I have a clear vision of where I am going and what’s next
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  2. I have a clear vision of what I want to do next with my organization
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  3. My life’s purpose is clear to me
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  4. My current work, career, or job fits with my talents, strengths, gifts, interests, and calling
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  5. I know my top five values and can identify a behavior for each value that shows how I currently live it out in my life
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  6. My bottom lines are clear and I know what I won’t do or trade off no matter the circumstances
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  7. My moral compass is well-developed and clear to me and others
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  8. I have regular practices in place to feed my spirit
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  9. I can think of at least three times when I have done challenging or difficult tasks, and I know the lessons I learned from those tasks
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  10. I read at least one book a month
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  11. I attend at least one professional conference or leadership development/growth opportunity per year
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  12. Every week, I learn from someone outside of my normal sphere of influence, like a waiter, taxi driver, store clerk, or other person with whom I come in contact
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  13. Every week, I go out of my way to personally thank my employees, contractors, partners, and colleagues who make my success possible
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  14. People in my workplace describe me as providing positive reinforcement and encouragement to others
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree
  15. People want to work with me because of the culture of development I have created
    Strongly Disagree






    Strongly Agree