November 28, 2023

Testimony of God’s Redemption with Ron McMillon, Gospel Jazz Saxophonist (Episode # 452)

When Jacob’s son Joseph dreamed of the sun, moon, and stars bowing down to him he could not have imagined God’s path to the fulfillment of that prophetic dream. Likewise, God gave a vision to top 30 Billboard recording artist and gospel jazz saxophonist Ron McMillon. In Ron’s vision, he saw himself with a saxophone in one hand and a Bible in the other. Even in fiery trials and darkness when the vision seemed far away, God was still on the throne preserving Ron’s life and working all things out for his good.

Have you ever wondered if your mistakes are too great for God to manifest His gifts and calling in your life or to redeem you? Join Dr. Karen today as Ron McMillon shares words of hope, healing, and recovery in his testimony. God is brighter than the darkness and bigger than any problem. He will get the glory and honor from our lives even when we take wrong turns.

Contact Ron at for music/speaking ministry engagements

November 21, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving (Episode # 451)

Although it has been a difficult year in many respects, there is still a lot for which to be thankful. Let’s be thankful for family, friends, food, shelter, clothing, our lives, and the measure of health we enjoy. As a marketplace ministry leader what else can you do to support your organization, team members, local community, and worldwide community? In this episode, Dr. Karen shares her additional words of gratitude and encouragement.

Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

November 14, 2023

“Press Toward the Mark” with Gospel Jazz Saxophonist Ron McMillon (Episode # 450)

Ron McMillon is a gospel smooth jazz saxophonist and recording artist. Charting on the Top 30 Billboard in the music industry, his music is played on the Music Choice TV Channel and on radio worldwide, including Sirius XM Radio where he is known as Mr. Jazz Watercolors. He has also had the privilege to play alongside very high profile artists in the Gospel/Smooth Jazz genre.

A Colorado native who studied music at the collegiate level, Ron’s sincere passion for music ministry and his love for God are the foundation for ALL of his successes in the music industry. Listen today to hear five of his songs and to apply his words of wisdom from God about the role of patience, diligence, and hard work as you “Press Toward the Mark” of God’s high calling.

Purchase CDs and book Ron for music ministry events at

November 13, 2023

“Press Toward The Mark” With Gospel Jazz Saxophonist Ron McMillon (Episode # 450)

The Voice of Leadership | Ron McMillon | Press Toward The Mark

The Voice of Leadership | Ron McMillon | Press Toward The Mark


Ron McMillon is a gospel smooth jazz saxophonist and recording artist. He charts on the Top 30 Billboard in the music industry; his music is played on the Music Choice TV Channel and radio worldwide, including Sirius XM Radio, where he is known as Mr. Jazz Watercolors. He has also had the privilege to play alongside high-profile artists in the Gospel/Smooth Jazz genre.


A Colorado native who studied music at the collegiate level, Ron’s sincere passion for music ministry and his love for God are the foundation for ALL his successes in the music industry. Listen today to hear five of his songs and to apply his words of wisdom from God about the role of patience, diligence, and hard work as you “Press Toward the Mark” of God’s high calling.


Purchase CDs and book Ron for music ministry events at


The post “Press Toward the Mark” with Gospel Jazz Saxophonist Ron McMillon (Episode # 450)

first appeared on TRANSLEADERSHIP, INC®

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“Press Toward The Mark” With Gospel Jazz Saxophonist Ron McMillon

Our guest for this episode, Ron McMillon, is a gospel smooth jazz saxophonist and recording artist. Charting on the Top 30 Billboard in the music industry, his music is played on the Music Choice Channel, on TV, and on radio worldwide, including SiriusXM Radio, where he is known as Mr. Jazz Watercolors. He has also had the privilege to play alongside very high-profile artists in the gospel and smooth jazz industry.

A Colorado Native who studied music at the collegiate level, Ron’s creative versatility is on full display at his inspired concert, church, and jazz festival performances. Ron’s sincere passion for music and ministry and his love for God is the foundation for all of his successes in the music industry. Stay with us to know how his story and insights can inform your life and business enterprises. His second CD is titled Press Toward the Mark.

Welcome, Ron. It’s so great to have you back on the show. We’re so glad to have you.

I am so glad to be back on the show again. I feel very privileged and honored to be here.

I’m privileged and honored to have you as well. Tell us about your song Press Toward the Mark. What does it mean? How did it come to be?

Press Toward The Mark

Press Toward the Mark is the album title as well and the premier track on the EP that was produced that year. When I was transitioning to begin recording the album, I was praying to God what was next for me and then after much prayer, the Lord answered and said, “Keep pushing forward.” I had some difficulties going on in life at the time and was at a crossroads to push in one area or the other professionally. Lord said that I keep pushing with the music industry for His glory.

Amen. The last time you were here, Ron, was October 2020, which was the beginning of the pandemic, the first year of the major pandemic crisis. A lot I’m sure has happened since then. I do remember back at that time, you had canceled a number of engagements in an effort to keep you and your family safe at that time. What’s happened since that year in your life? What are you doing? Where is God leading you as you continue to press toward the mark?

We stayed pretty much not seeking traveling and all of that stuff as far as music-wise and in the music industry and for concerts or churches and everything until I got an okay green light from the Lord back in February or March 2022. I did my first concert at the Soiled Dove since the pandemic last June 2022 and it went very well. Ever since then, I’ve been playing at several churches and getting booked for different engagements.

You’re back on the scene and I have attended a number of your concerts since post-pandemic for sure. What would you say that you are learning in this season? What is God showing you?

God is showing me patience laced with diligence. I’ve been getting a lot of bookings. I’ve been very busy since the beginning of 2023. Life has been a real juggling act, should I say. I have a daughter who’s graduating and stuff like that. We have to travel and play, go somewhere else, or even take the family with me to other churches and prepare for the events. I’ve had to be very diligent and patient at the same time.

That’s an interesting combination of patience and diligence. Patience in waiting for things to happen. What about the diligence part? What does that mean? Where does that come from?

Diligence in ministry. I believe God calls us to be diligent in things in ministry. The music success and my situation in the music industry, it is an entertainment industry but it’s a ministry for me. When I feel those needs and want to stop to handle my personal life, I have to be diligent in all areas of my life. I can’t sacrifice one for the other because all of it is for God’s glory but one is for ministry and one is for my family. Part of diligence is a lot of work.

God calls us to be diligent. Click To Tweet

You’re speaking about something that’s significant to a lot of people and that is how to effectively do this life integration thing because the music is important. Your family is important and you don’t want the music to supersede the place that your family has. When you’re talking about being diligent in this case, it’s always a constant recalibration of the dials so that you have the right priorities in place at the right time. That’s what I’m hearing you say.

When I was younger, I was a youth pastor and a youth athletics director. I wore six different hats in a church. I was very diligent in ministry but my family was suffering. That’s the balance I had to figure out. Plus I work a secular job as well for a medical company. While I’m doing music stuff and family stuff, I’m still working 9:00 to 5:00 during the day.

I remember that you’re working 9:00 to 5:00 during the day. Let me ask you a question about that. How do you balance those out? In the pandemic period, it was a blessing to have the 9:00 to 5:00 and take care of your family when you had to come off the road with music. How is that job still blessing you? Where does it fit in with the full mix of everything else that you’re doing?

It fits in very well. I’ve been with this company for several years. I know a lot of professional musicians. I’m very close to a lot of musicians. There is not a medical plan or a retirement plan so you have to manage your money very well and invest very well. Whereas with my situation, I have all of that. Since I work for a medical company, I get my medical benefits for free. It’s a true blessing. As far as the diligence, the juggling act, and doing all of this, it’s all worth it for the sake of my family and the sake of God’s glory, even at the job.

You always think about how wonderful God is to think of everything. To provide you with that, that job is also caring for your family. He doesn’t leave any stone unturned to do what’s best for us. You have the music and that which provides for your family day to day. That’s quite a blessing. This is my personal favorite of all the Ron McMillon songs, which is Consuming Fire. Those people who listen to the show on Raven International Television are already hearing this in the intro and the outro. Hopefully, you will also be hearing Consuming Fire on iHeartRadio, which is also another one of our formats. Ron, what is the backstory of my favorite song Consuming Fire?

Dr. Karen, the words in Hebrews 12 and 29 refer to God as our consuming fire. That is where the title derived from but here’s an interesting story to give you a little bit. When I met my producer, Mr. Darren Rahn, who is a Grammy-nominated producer and one of the top instrumentation producers in the world, we began writing the album. That was the first song we worked on.

He said, “I have a song for you. It was a pattern and a format of the song.” I said, “That’s nice.” He said, “There’s another artist, Mr. Najee, who turned it down. He said it sounded too gospely.” To me, when I listen to the song, it doesn’t sound gospely at all. It sounds like straight, smooth jazz. That was an indicator that God saved that song for me because I’m a gospel jazz artist.

I agree with that. Najee is fabulous. I’m glad he said no so that you could say yes. To me, it is your song. I consider it your signature song, Consuming Fire, and I love it. If we think about consuming fire from a biblical context, there’s the upside of God being a consuming fire and the downside of God being a consuming fire. Tell us what that means to you.

For me, Consuming Fire, if you feel the vibe of the song, it’s more of God giving that, not in a bad way but lighting a fire under me. It’s to start in the music industry and into my calling that he showed me in a vision back in 1997. Even Darren, when we finished wrapping the song up, he said, “This is an important song for you.” He knew it was going to be a special song. It was very anointed because even though it’s a jazz song, it touched hearts all over the United States. What it means to me is that it was God lighting that fire under me. Sometimes when I listen to it and close my eyes, I see flames of fire dancing around.

I love that depiction of a God lighting the fire under you to start this new chapter in your life. What that makes me think of is Moses and the burning bush because although God is a consuming fire, the bush did not get consumed and it got Moses’ attention to walk over to see what was going on because this was going to be a new start and a new chapter also in Moses’ life. To think about it, the consuming fire of God is like that catalyst and the flame that gets things going is a great way to think about it in your case. I love the way that you’ve characterized that story.

I never thought of Moses and the burning bush. In that story, the fire didn’t consume the bush. This song has had great longevity. It’s still being played on radio. I still get royalties. It came out in 2015. The Lord has ignited this consuming fire on this song and it hasn’t been consumed in the industry so to speak.

I don’t think it will. There are some timeless songs and Consuming Fire is one of those songs. It speaks to the heart at a different level. I’m not surprised that it still has longevity. What’s interesting is this is one of your songs that’s played on secular radio, as well as in the gospel arena. Is that accurate?

Yes. It’s played on secular radio worldwide. When I get my royalties, it shows where it’s being played and what stations are on some of them. I’m very thankful.

You mentioned Darren Rahn. He is one of the special people with whom you get to collaborate and he’s a phenomenal producer. Let me ask this. How has working with other great people, including Darren Rahn, take your gifts and abilities to the next level?

Let me say this first. God placed him strategically in my path because he became a mentor who was better than a high-profile and high-level sax player to a new sax player in the industry on the technicalities of playing and all the other things until the recording. A little bit after I met Darren, I connected with Gerald Albright as well.

We had a two-hour-long conversation at his house. I went to pick up a saxophone from him and he poured some things into me that I won’t forget. The people in the industry that are poured into me, it was like God ordained. It was very helpful to not only polish me as a professional but to motivate me to push forward and to understand that I am supposed to be here like the Lord had shown me back in 1997.

God provides what I call Divine Appointments to confirm what he’s already put into our hearts, minds, and spirits. Let’s be even more specific. Maybe what’s something that either Darren Rahn, Gerald Albright, or someone else said to you that made a difference and made you say, “I am supposed to be here?” What’s a specific thing you might’ve heard?

I’ll speak to Gerald Albright on this one when I was sitting there talking to him for those two hours. Before I got into the industry, you looked at these living legends like Gerald, Kirk Whalum, and people like that. You think that they’re flawless. When I was talking to him, he said, “We’re all still learning, Ron. You’re never going to stop learning.” Although I’ve heard that before from other people, it meant something when he said that to me. For a living legend to say that we’re all still learning, encouraged me not to be so shy and hard on myself as a musician.

Darren said the same things. He played with me at my very first album release concert. I made a mistake and I was hard on myself afterward. The audience can tell. He said, “We all make mistakes. Don’t show it on your face, they probably will never know.” Those kinds of things were very encouraging to me that it’s okay to be human. No matter how high level or low level you are, it’s okay to be you. Paint your canvas and let God allow you to be you.

It’s okay to be you, paint your own canvas, and let God allow you to be you. Click To Tweet

Amen to that. It’s so wonderful when there are icons in the industry that can let you know they also make mistakes. It’s all part of the human condition and it’s okay. When I’ve been in Africa, sometimes they’re making jewelry. It’s not perfect but that’s considered the beauty of the individual piece. Whereas in the United States, when we see that imperfection, we want to get rid of the thing.

In other parts of the world, they say, “No, that’s just part of the tapestry.” That’s how it’s supposed to go and they don’t even worry about it. It is so wonderful that they could speak that over you as well. You’ve made a decision early on. You knew that you were supposed to be in the smooth jazz arena as opposed to straight-up gospel stations per se. Talk a little bit about that and some conversations maybe you’ve had with people who went the straight gospel route. What prompted you to be sure you were on the jazz side?

Into Smooth Jazz

I was pushing forward to be a straight gospel instrumentalist. There’s a gentleman from the ’70s and ’80s named Bernard Johnson, who was an inspiration on the gospel side, and a lady by the name of Angélla Christie. She was more in the early 2000s to mid-2000s. I wasn’t expecting the smooth jazz industry house. When God opened the door to me, Darren Rahn, was who I knew.

We had our first meeting. There was an investor and we were sitting in the same room. You could feel the Holy Spirit there. We spent a little time talking about business and more time talking about our testimonies. There’s a reason why I wasn’t pushing for smooth jazz. I grew up in a very strict church denomination. I was licensed as a minister there. I had this mindset back then too. You aren’t supposed to play jazz because it was a sin to play jazz and listen to jazz or play certain sports.

When it came time for that, the Lord had already strategically taken me out of that denomination and gave me a better understanding of what His will was for me. In saying all of that, once the door opened, I knew it was okay but some other denominations said that I left God and then got around. They didn’t even see that my album title was talking about Jesus. They decided to make it seem like I was wrong when God was orchestrating the whole thing.

This is such an important story that you shared because God is everywhere and He wants his people to be witnessing and ministering everywhere. Sometimes, we have these notions in our minds that limit God. What he was doing was opening up a wider door for you rather than limiting. I’m delighted to hear that. I’m glad that you had the divine appointments that showed you that this was the door for you. Ron, another one of your songs is The Walk. For those who listen to the show on podcast channels and YouTube, they will hear The Walk as the intro and outro music. Ron, we know that every song has its inspirations. Tell us about The Walk.

The Walk

Every song on my albums has a spiritual meaning and I like to say the story behind it. With The Walk, I’ve tried my best to walk in the will of the Lord, be an example to whoever I’m around, and let God’s light shine through me. That’s where this inspiration for The Walk comes from. As I have walked in the walk, the mindset of the individuals that we were talking about earlier and the other denominations have observed, seen my walk, and knew that I had not turned my back on God. They even attended my concerts.

There was even a bishop’s wife at my birthday celebration at the Soiled Dove. The Soiled Dove serves alcohol there and things like that. Normally, these people would not go into a place like that. They’ll go into a restaurant but to make a long story short, they came to celebrate me because I celebrate God. My parents wouldn’t listen to jazz music until I got into jazz. It’s because they knew what walk I was walking.

That is such a powerful story because not only was God opening up a way for you. It was also impacting other people who might have had a more view, I should say, of God, who He is, and where He shows up. That’s freeing for everyone, not you in that case.

If we don’t over-spiritualize everything and truly have an understanding that a walk with God is about relationships and not about all of these other things, the world would be a better place.

That is so much for sure that it would be a better place. I’m glad that you were able to do that. Let me comment. I remember when I was at your 50th birthday concert. Many people of God were there and attended. Even though it was at the Soiled Dove and it was the first time I’d ever seen, someone bring a baby to the Soiled Dove for that concert. It was like a church service. When the people of God gather, it is the church, even though we were at the Soiled Dove. It can change the atmosphere depending on who’s present.

I honestly felt the Lord gave me a release to have fun that night but no matter what I do, it seems like the anointing flows and we worship. That’s the best birthday gift ever, to be in the midst of a lot of people worshiping God like that.

That is the truth and it was an exciting concert. It was outstanding. I would simply say that each concert of yours that I go to gets better and better as you get freed up more and more in the Lord and with your gifts. It was a wonderful experience. For anybody who missed it, don’t miss the next concert. Ron, let me dial back to something else.

You are an ordained minister. In the past, you’ve served as a youth pastor. You’ve been the Minister of Music multiple times in different churches. You’re serving in a more flexible capacity at your church. One way I would talk about it as an analogy is when you think about a person who’s a pastor of a congregation, they have a lot of commitments and they’re tied down to being there at certain times and seasons.

Whereas an evangelist is freed up. They can go out and minister at other churches or stay home. In this season, where God has freed you up, you’re still in ministry, just not tied to a job that ties you to a place. What has that season been like? What has it done for you? What is new and different that you’re in that free space?

I’ve always known that I’ve had an evangelical calling in my life to where I can go freely to minister to different people, whether it’s in church or outside of church. The Lord did show me that vision, me holding the sax in one hand and the Bible in the other hand in front of a countless number of people. I was wide awake, there was a vision. In this season, I’m in the serving mode. No matter how small or how big the church or event is, I’m willing to go serve. I played a small event out if you know where Colfax Avenue is in Denver. I played a small outdoor event last summer in 2022. In this season, I’m in serve mode. I’m trying to win souls for Christ for His glory. As the Lord let me know, music is a tool to get people to listen to me tell them about Him.

A lot of artists who would be, let’s say, Top Billboard artists might not go to a small venue. They might say, “Gather a few other churches together and they might show up.” One of the things I love about your heart of service to God and that ministry mantle that’s on your life is you don’t let things like that stop you. You even came to my small church in Colorado Springs and ministered to us here as well. I want to thank you for hearing God and knowing that he’s got people who need to hear about him through you everywhere.

Thank you and your congregation for having me. I was truly honored. The Lord blessed me through the word that day and through the love that your congregation shared with me and my family.

Isn’t it like God to make it work in both directions? That’s always a blessing and the way that He certainly operates. As we’re thinking about this time in this season in your life, what would you say that you are most grateful for?

I’m most grateful for my family and the opportunity to serve my family. I firmly believe that we’re in the, not the last days but the very last days. I believe the Lord is knocking on the door. I’m trying to win my children, grandchildren, aunts, cousins, and uncles. Ministry starts at home. No matter how many I reach outside but I’m not impacting my home, which is my first ministry, that’s counterproductive. Family is important.

It’s one of our priorities if we have a family. Thank you for thinking about them in that priority slot. Another song from you is Talking About Jesus. As you’ve been saying, that’s what it’s all about. Tell us about that song.

Family is important. It's one of our priorities if we have a family. Click To Tweet

That’s what I do talk about Jesus. Here’s one quick interesting story behind that one. I was at the beginning of my career trying to get a concert promoter to give me concerts around the country. He said, “Can we tone down the Jesus thing a little bit?” I said, “Will I be able to sell my CDs there?” He said, “Of course.” I said, “What’s that title?” He said, “Talking about Jesus.” I said, “That’s what I’m going to do.” That’s my whole inspiration for that. Everything that I put on that album was talking about Jesus and that was the title track of that album.

Ron, that’s interesting about the promoter. In that case, did you do that concert?

He was going to be hired to get me to several concerts around the country. I ended up not working with him on that because he felt like I was a problem, which is okay with me because I’m not going to deny my Lord in front of man.

Amen to that. Your whole ministry is about talking about Jesus and to cut that out destroys the ministry. Let me ask about that because this song and cuts from this album have been played again on both gospel and secular stations. How has the title impacted the play of this particular album?

Consuming Fire

As you know, the Lord showed me that vision in 1997 and God does things well. When Consuming Fire was my first radio single at a big-time radio, should I say, they openly talked about my song on SiriusXM. There’s a gentleman by the name of Tony Coulter. He’s no longer with us but he was a very good friend of mine through that process. He would say, “We have Ron McMillon talking about Jesus.” There were a lot of Christian sax players out there who were inspired by that because they hadn’t heard that much. There’s Falling in Love with Jesus by Kirk Whalum. He’s a living legend. On SiriusXM Watercolors, you don’t hear talk like that often.

What I love about that is that you’re talking about the leadership that you were exercising also in your genre and in music to say, “This is possible.” People will tell you to tone it down and it’s not possible. However, at the end of the day, you have to trust God in where he’s leading you, and as you say, be willing to stand for Him.

That’s why it’s the Christian gospel saxophonist. I’m not just going to say jazz or only inspirational. I want people to know that I’m doing this as a Christian for Christ. I’m not doing it by means of just entertainment.

The last time that you were with me, we were talking about a book that you were going to write. I wanted to check in. This book is about a memoir of your life, some important events that happened in your life, which I’m going to do a preview and say, you will come back to the show and we’re going to unpack the story and testimony of your life, which is pretty profound. What’s the status of that book at this point?

I’m still working on it. Life is a juggling act and the Lord hasn’t given me a very strong conviction to focus only on that. I have been able to verbally share my testimony with a lot of people and congregations. It’s been a blessing to a lot of people verbally. I’m still working on the book, Dr. Karen. Thank you for keeping me accountable.

Life is a juggling act. Click To Tweet

This is great because here’s what I do know. When the time is right, God will put it heavily on your heart, open up the space, and the book will get done. In the meantime, you are telling the story, which in a word I’m going to say is a story about the profound nature of God’s second chances. I look forward to talking to you more about that as well. That’s to come. To those of you reading, know that you have another episode to look forward to.

Ron, I also want to ask about something else because you mentioned this last time. Attending your concerts, I know that you typically end those concerts with a powerful song, Total Praise. You had said you were going to record that. I will say this for those who don’t know, Ron, your version of Total Praise is so phenomenal and outstanding. It needs to be recorded and out there. Where are you on recording Total Praise?

Darren and I had spoken about that within the past couple of years and it’s still on the table. He’s been very busy as a producer. I’m contemplating doing another single for the radio. Even in saying that I probably have to schedule him some months out, when that time comes, you’ll be the first to know, Dr. Karen.

As one of your premier fans, that’s a song that I love that you do. You take it to the next level. Be sure to let me know and I’ll let the audience know when it’s ready because I’m going to encourage everyone to buy Total Praise when it does come out. When you and Darren have it together, keep us informed and updated. Ron, where can people reach you? How can they get ahold of you?

You can reach me at You can buy CDs there and book me on the contact page.

What kinds of bookings would you like at this stage? What might people book you for?

I’m mainly doing church services and church functions like anniversaries, banquets, and stuff like that. I will do a concert if someone wants to hire me for that. I’m okay with all of that.

You’ve heard it. If you would like to hear more about Ron McMillon, go to You can book him for concerts and purchase the CDs. Here’s one little final note about this. At, on the video page, there’s a video of him playing Total Praise. You’ll get a little preview and sample of why he should record that song for us as well. Thank you so much, Ron, for sharing how people can get ahold of you and get more of your music.

Thank you, Dr. Karen.

You’re welcome. The other thing that I would ask you about at this point is your words of wisdom for my readers. You’ve shared many things that certainly relate to believers no matter where they are. You know that most of the people who are reading this are business people or corporate executive leaders. What are some final words of wisdom that you would like to leave with people who are in those positions?

What I would say is about diligence and having peace as you push forward in diligence for the sake of your success. If you do not see things unfolding the way that you would like them to at the moment, keep pushing forward. Hard work pays off. I know that I was called specifically for this music thing but without diligence and hard work, it would have never come to fruition. God requires us to do work as well. He’s capable of anything. He’s capable of opening the door and it’d be instantaneous but 9 times out of 10, we have to put in the work in whatever path or calling that we’re pushing forward to.

That is a very important word because sometimes in these corporate environments, people are working day and night and it seems as though it’s not having any impact, yet God wants them there, wants them to shine the light, be a witness, talk about Jesus, and all that you’re saying. What you’re saying is even though you may not be able to see it, God is still moving things around spiritually and in the heavenly for His purpose and His glory in your life.

Persevere and keep going no matter what you see because chances are He’s doing something maybe you can’t see. Glory to Glory to Glory is a song I associated with Fred Hammond and Radical for Christ. Tell us a little bit about that song.

The title speaks for itself like Total Praise. Give God total praise, glory to glory to glory, all glory to God for everything he’s done, every success in the music industry, every success with my family, for having my family, for having you, Dr. Karen, as a friend. I give all glory to God in all things. That’s the inspiration for me putting that song on the album.

Give God total praise. All glory to Him. Click To Tweet

That’s such a fitting song for us to conclude on because I know that your life is about giving all the glory to God. I’m going to share the final verse, which is Psalm 96 and I’ll start with the first verse, which says, “Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing to the Lord all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless his name. Proclaim the good news of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, his wonders among all peoples.” That is what it is about, declaring the glory of God to the nations and all people, and acknowledging as if we were to read further into this chapter, all the little small g gods and fake gods, none of them are worthy of the glory and praise of the true God.

I want to give a special thanks to jazz saxophonist, Ron McMillon, for permitting us to use his gifted music on our show. Thanks for reading.


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About Ron McMillon

The Voice of Leadership | Ron McMillon | Press Toward The MarkRon McMillon is a gospel smooth jazz saxophonist and recording artist. He charts on the Top 30 Billboard in the music industry; his music is played on the Music Choice TV Channel and radio worldwide, including Sirius XM Radio, where he is known as Mr. Jazz Watercolors. He has also had the privilege to play alongside high-profile artists in the Gospel/Smooth Jazz genre.

A Colorado native who studied music at the collegiate level, Ron’s sincere passion for music ministry and his love for God are the foundation for ALL his successes in the music industry. Listen today to hear five of his songs and to apply his words of wisdom from God about the role of patience, diligence, and hard work as you “Press Toward the Mark” of God’s high calling.

Purchase CDs and book Ron for music ministry events at

November 7, 2023

Listen to Understand and Appreciate Others (Episode # 449)

In our diverse world and workplaces, we have the opportunity to listen to the perspectives and beliefs of others from different backgrounds and experiences. Dr. Karen contends that when done respectfully, such listening increases appreciation for one another and the ability to live together in peace.

Having just returned from the 2nd annual fundraising gala of Solid Rock Community Development Corporation, Dr. Karen also shares her takeaways from this event featuring the Southeast Colorado Springs community transformation work of Pastors Ben and Wanda Anderson.

Congratulations to the first Black mayor of Colorado Springs, the Honorable Mayor Yemi Mobolade, a Nigerian-American and to Dr. Wendy Birhanzel of Harrison School District 2, the Colorado School Superintendent of the year. Keynote speaker, Khadija Katherine Haynes, President and CEO of K-Solutions LLC in Denver delivered an amazing message about how to see opportunity.

Make a charitable contribution to the Solid Rock Community Development Corporation:

October 31, 2023

When Darkness Masquerades as Light (Episode # 448)

Satan seeks to kill, steal, and destroy God’s people. How does Satan disguise himself and what does that have to do with Halloween? What about those who knowingly and unknowingly engage in satanic practices throughout the year? What are the implications for corporate executives who are the light of Christ in their workplaces? In this episode, Dr. Karen sheds light on this important life and death topic of how Satan causes darkness to masquerade as light.

Contact Dr. Karen to shed more light in your workplace:

October 24, 2023

Soar Into Joy: Interview with Loree Draude (Episode # 447)

Executive leaders and combat pilots both scan the “battlefield” for new strategic opportunities. In both warfare and business mission advancement, success comes from the skillful execution of strengths and talents. Returning guest Loree Draude shares how recent life events prompted her to seize new creative opportunities in a different location.

Loree Draude was one of the first women in the Navy to fly combat jets. She deployed twice to the Persian Gulf, accumulating over 300 carrier landings and 1600 flight hours. After completing her naval service, Loree led product, marketing, and operations teams at start-ups and tech companies, including Google and Meta. A proven leader and entrepreneur, she now advises and coaches executives and founders on how to improve their leadership.

Loree is the author of a new book, “Soar Into Joy: A Combat Pilot’s Wisdom on Living a Fulfilling Life” and star of the sold out and award winning one woman Off Broadway show “I Feel the Need.” Listen today as Loree speaks with Dr. Karen about how to soar joyfully into new professional and personal pursuits.

Reach Loree at

October 23, 2023

Soar Into Joy: Interview With Loree Draude (Episode # 447)

The Voice of Leadership | Loree Draude | Soar Into Joy


Executive leaders and combat pilots both scan the “battlefield” for new strategic opportunities. In both warfare and business mission advancement, success comes from the skillful execution of strengths and talents. Returning guest Loree Draude shares how recent life events prompted her to seize new creative opportunities in a different location.


Loree Draude was one of the first women in the Navy to fly combat jets. She deployed twice to the Persian Gulf, accumulating over 300 carrier landings and 1600 flight hours. After completing her naval service, Loree led product, marketing, and operations teams at start-ups and tech companies, including Google and Meta. A proven leader and entrepreneur, she now advises and coaches executives and founders on how to improve their leadership.


Loree is the author of a new book, “Soar Into Joy: A Combat Pilot’s Wisdom on Living a Fulfilling Life” and star of the sold-out and award-winning one-woman Off Broadway show “I Feel the Need.” Listen today as Loree speaks with Dr. Karen about how to soar joyfully into new professional and personal pursuits.


Reach Loree at


The post Soar Into Joy: Interview with Loree Draude (Episode # 447) first appeared on  TRANSLEADERSHIP, INC®

Listen to the podcast here


Soar Into Joy: Interview With Loree Draude

Have you ever wondered how to reinvent yourself or how to soar into joy as you fly in a new direction? Today’s guest has flown many successful missions and now shares her flight plans and other strategies, but how to soar into joy. Today’s return guest Loree Draude was one of the first women in the Navy to fly combat jets. She deployed twice to the Persian Gulf accumulating over 300 carrier landings and 1600 flight hours after completing her Naval service.

Loree, let product marketing and operations teams at startups and tech companies including Google and Met. A proven leader and entrepreneur. Loree now advises and coaches Executives and Founders on how to improve their leadership. The author of a new book SOAR into Joy: A Combat Pilot’s Wisdom for Falling in Love with your Life. Loree is a talented and sought-after speaker for her entertaining and inspirational talks on how to solve professionally and personally.

Loree holds an MBA from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania with a major and entrepreneurial management and a BA in mathematics from the University of San Diego. Last you mistakenly think that Loree’s life has been a straight line function with no challenges. Loree has been laid off, divorced, fired, quit her job, and was forced to shut down her startup due to lack of funding. She knows how to successfully maneuver and fly through life’s storms. Welcome back, Loree, to The Voice of Leadership and to Dr. Karen Speaks Leadership.

Thanks, Dr. Karen. It’s so great to see you again. I really appreciate you having me on your show.

I’m delighted to have you back on the show, and it’s always great to see you as well. I know we have a lot to talk about. The last time when you were here. We talked a lot about your Navy career the concept of SuperSonic leadership and your previous book. She’s just another Navy pilot. Since that time, I know you’ve gone through a mini reinvention yourself, including a move to New York City. Where were you before and how did you end up in New York City?

Before this I was living in the San Francisco Bay area for about 20 years and I raised two children there. Once my youngest graduated from high school last year, I did not have to live in California anymore. Even though I loved California and I had an opportunity to go someplace new if I wanted to. My daughter came to school here in New York City. That certainly influenced the decision, but I swear I’m not one of those helicopter mothers. I see her maybe every other week or so, but I thought it would be nice to be here. I would get a chance to see her. Also, I want to take advantage of all of the creative opportunities and the energy of New York City and I’ve always wanted to live here.

I never had the opportunity. Finally, I have the opportunity and I say the final reason is that my family, my brothers, and my parents are all on the East Coast. For the past 20 years, I’ve seen them maybe twice a year at the most and so I wanted to be closer to my family as well. I made the decision to basically put all of my stuff in California into a big storage unit and I rented an apartment here in New York City for a year. I’ve been enjoying living here and just taking advantage of all of the amazing opportunities that exist in New York City.

I Feel The Need

That’s phenomenal Loree. I’m so glad to hear about that reinvention. We know you’re not a helicopter mom because you were flying fixed-wing aircraft. We talk right we have that dialed in. One of the benefits of New York City is that we know that in your case, you are an artist and you’re also an author and you wrote a one-woman show called I Feel the Need, and this debuted Off-Broadway in 2021. Tell us about that project. That’s very New York.

Thank you. It was such a fun project to put together. I’ve been writing for a while and I found that the stories I wrote about my Navy experience tended to be of the most interest to people who read them mostly because it’s a really unique environment. Most people don’t get to live on an aircraft carrier or fly off of an aircraft carrier. Sharing those stories was a way for me to open up that world and share that world with friends and then because of the timing and just the way it worked out.

I was one of the first women to deploy in a combat Squadron in the Navy back in the 90s. My show is about that first six-month deployment on the West Coast going to the Persian Gulf dealing with the challenges of integrating women into an airing and onto a ship that had never had women fully integrated before. Obviously, it’s a huge change for everybody and so just the importance of leadership.

I think we talked about this last time too. The leadership makes or breaks huge changes like this and having strong leaders who are doing everything they can to make new policies work and to support the people on their teams. They’re the ones that are successful and the leaders who resist change are the ones who aren’t and change is always happening. I think definitely one of the things good leaders exhibit is the ab to manage change.

The leaders who resist change are the ones who aren't successful. Change is always happening. Click To Tweet

Well, tell me a Loree. How was the show received? How did it fair in New York City?

I was so excited. I sold out my first show and then I was given a second date. I had a second show and they had awards at this solo festival. My show won for best direction for my director Beth Bornstein Dunnington. That was a huge feather in our cap. Beth is an amazing director, and I been so lucky to work with her on the show. After performing here in New York, I took it to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival last year and had 23 performances there. Again just, got to share my stories with so many people and it was wonderful to be in Scotland and now I’m doing the show again back to the United Solo Festival here in New York City.

That is so amazing. You really are soaring. You really are flying if you will in a whole another Arena. Congratulations because it’s not easy to win an award or to have a one-woman show to be as successful as what you just described and all the opportunities both in the US and abroad. That’s fantastic. Happy for you.

Thank you so much, Dr. Karen. It’s been a delight because these stories mean a lot to me and not only because they’re about something I love doing which is flying on an aircraft carrier, but it’s also the story of women doing something new and challenging in a world that they hadn’t really been accepted in yet. What I love about my show is that I’m sharing stories about what women’s roles are. What they’re capable of doing. How women are treated. How we were treated during that integration back in the 90s. I want to show that story just to bring to light that women have come a long way and yet still there’s a long way to go for women enabling aviation in aviation in general, but we’re making progress and we’re starting to see women in more senior roles.

I think stories like yours really need to be told as inspiration for younger women who are coming along. There’s some women who may never have considered that this is a possible career and they’ll be inspired by seeing what you and others have done. I think that’s a good reason to have brought the show to life. I’m so glad that you did that. That’s leadership as well.

Thank you. That was one of the reasons. I had no idea that I could fly. Growing up just was never something I was even aware of and it wasn’t until my first freshman year in college where I was made aware that this was a possibility for me in the military. There were really very very few women flying at the time and I didn’t have anybody to talk with about it or anyone else’s experience to to learn about to understand what this was even like for a woman. I’m really glad to be able to share these stories because I do feel it’s such a fantastic career. Being a part of that team was absolutely one of the highlights of my life. I would love to see more women involved in Naval Aviation in particular.

That is fabulous that you’re passing the Baton forward to the next generation in showing what’s even possible. That’s one of the great things that happened for you in New York City is this opportunity to do the one-woman show. What else would you say has been maybe the biggest surprise about living in New York City? What if you discovered?

A delightful surprise because there’s just everything here. It’s almost overwhelming how many different things there are to do. Museums to see, galleries, activities, and restaurants. I mean just every single type of Cuisine it’s amazing. That has been a wonderful surprise. I think on the many not-so-wonderful surprises, I’m still getting used to how noisy it is. It’s just so noisy, but it’s exciting. I really appreciate that energy as I’ve been in this very creative state.

Soar Into Joy

Well, I love the energy for the creative state. I’ve always loved New York City and I always enjoy going there and you’re right. They have everything in New York City. A 24-hour City, it doesn’t really sleep. You can find things in the middle of the night. You can find things from all over the world and that’s my kind of place. I love that. I don’t even mind the noise of the city as I can sleep through it and doesn’t disturb me at all. Just all part of the energy. That’s great that you’re talking about both sides of it. Let’s turn our attention a little bit to your current book SOAR Into Joy and tell us a little bit about this book being in part about falling in love with your life. What inspired you to write a book about falling in love with your life?

A lot of the lessons that I’ve learned from my experience in the Navy and working in Tech and then also a lot of the work I’ve done with my coaching clients. I just started seeing a lot of common themes coming up and it made me recognize that there were actually a couple of things that stood out in my life that have helped me really change my mindset and my perspective to one that has made my life much more fulfilling. I wanted to share those with more people.

I love coaching because it’s wonderful to support a leader one-on-one but being able to hopefully share these concepts more broadly with my goal with the book. I was inspired to write the book initially when one of my kids was going through a challenging time in life and I wrote a letter just sharing all of my failures, all the things that I would consider failures or challenges and we know with the intention to demonstrate that life isn’t as you mentioned in the very beginning it’s not a straight line up into the right.

It’s definitely there are Hills and Valleys along the way and challenges and celebrations and that’s what life is. It’s important to not get mired in the setbacks or to feel like that is an indicator that you’re not able to achieve things that you want to achieve. There are speed bumps along the way that we have to get over and then speed up again. That really inspired me to write the book and I’ve been just overjoyed seeing the success. I’m hoping that more people will take a look at it and and be inspired by some of the lessons that I learned sometimes the hard way.

Life is not a straight line. There are hills and valleys along the way and challenges and celebrations. Click To Tweet

Well, yes, and then when we learn them the hard way somebody else can take a little shorter path to the same destination. I’m glad you brought up those bumps along the way in your own life because let me ask you this. Talk about how the principles in your book are relevant to how you navigated some challenges in your own life. Give us some examples about your own experiences and what you did that’s in your book that made a difference.

The title is SOAR Into Joy and the word SOAR is an acronym for the concepts of Self-Awareness Openness Appreciation and Responsibility. When I was reflecting back as I wrote this book, those are the things that kept coming up when I thought about the aspects of my life that I found to really be most exemplary of what I needed to have in my life in order to live a fulfilling life. I’ll start with self-awareness and I’ll be really brief. I don’t want to give away all the books.

Just self-awareness and really understanding who we are and what is unique to us and our values because I think it’s very easy to want to please other people or to do what we think we should be doing. Most people don’t take the time to really understand what is most important to them and what they want in their lives. Openness is about as it says being open and being willing to be wrong. I think we human beings love to be right. A lot of times we’d rather be right than happy.

We human beings love to be right, and a lot of times we'd rather be right than happy. Being able to step back and admit that maybe you’re not right is a way to have more happiness. Click To Tweet

What I found was being able to step back and admit that maybe I’m not right in this situation is a way to have more happiness because I can learn something in that situation as well rather than just thinking I’m right. I’m not gonna listen. Appreciation is one where I’ve found that the more I can get into touch with the things that I’m grateful for in life the happier I am because I feel really how fortunate I am when I do reflect on the things in my life that I’m grateful for.

Appreciation is taking that time and not just feeling it but also expressing it so that other people get to feel that as well. Then finally responsibility, it was an interesting one to write about because being responsible I think it’s a challenge for a lot of people especially in the workplace when called upon to potentially manage teams or to be a leader. A lot of people don’t want responsibility. They just don’t want to deal with that perceived pressure. In life, I think responsibility is about acknowledging that we have one life on this planet and it is up to us.

It is our responsibility to live it in a way that we’re going to feel fulfilled. I talk about being fulfilled not necessarily happy because we’re not always gonna be happy but being able to be in touch with what matters most to us and ensure that those things are happening in our lives that is our responsibility. I definitely share stories that help illustrate all four of those concepts and then conveniently they form the acronym SOAR, which is aviation-related. I always really love the word SOAR because it reminds me of flying but with joy. That concept just really resonated with me because I love flying and I love to be joyful.

That’s fabulous. I actually love that acronym SOAR that you have in your book. Since you mentioned that there are some stories that illustrate each of those points, maybe share one or two from your life with us that are relevant to one of the pieces of the acronym. When I was in the Navy and the combat exclusion ban was lifted, so women could start flying in combat squadrons, I was flying in a support Squadron.

I was flying a fighter jet in a support Squadron. My mission wasn’t shooting down bad guys. It was teaching other people how to shoot down bad guys. I would pretend to be a missile. When the ban was lifted, I thought I was going to go back and transition to a Fighter Squadron and fly in an F-18 on an aircraft carrier, but there were already some women going through the Hornet training Squadron who had more flight time than I did. They were more experienced and there weren’t any women in the S-3 Viking Community which was the jet that I got orders to.

It was a big change for me because I had to move from Lemoore California down to San Diego. I was engaged at that point. It meant moving away from my fiance. It felt like a step down just because I was flying the Navy’s newest fighter jet and I was getting put into it a jet that was like 20 years older. I was faced with this decision because I could say no and turn down the orders, but that would mean that I’d have to wait another year before maybe getting orders to a fighter squad or maybe not. At that point, I had to really ask myself what matters most to me.

What matters most to me are my values of service and teamwork and I felt like I could be a good role model for the women that were going on this historic deployment and because it was a big change for the Navy I felt that I could be a good leader in this situation. I accepted the orders and I transitioned to the S-3 Viking was on that first deployment on the Abraham Lincoln and I’m incredibly grateful for that because I think looking back the community that I transitioned into was incredibly supportive of me.

Whereas the fighter community had been a very challenging place for a woman to be in those early days. It’s challenging for everybody but I think especially when you stand out, it’s tough because I was aware of what mattered to me and who I am as a person. I felt like I was able to make a really good decision. Because of that, I mean, I don’t know that I’d be doing a show right now that first deployment. I don’t know that I’d be doing or have written a book about that first deployment.

There are many things that followed on that were wonderful things in my life from the decision to stay and take my ego out of this and really think about going to be of most service to my country and to the people in the Navy that I work with. That’s why I made that decision. I think if I hadn’t been self-aware and in touch with what matters to me, I think I may have made a different decision, but we’ll never know.

Well, one of the things that is great about what we do know is that in making that decision with self-awareness and just asking yourself about it first so that you could sort of double down on what was important like serving and service for example, and then making the choice on that basis to me it leads even into the O of SOAR which is the openness because then being open you have an opportunity to learn something new. Say a little bit more about what you learned as a result of being open to the experience.

Sure. I mean being open to that experience enabled me to be part of that deployment and to make lifelong friends when you go through an experience like that, especially when you’re in your 20s and those formative years, they’re just so meaningful and impactful. I’m incredibly grateful for those friendships. I just saw a couple of the people from that Squadron earlier this year. I mean we all still stay in touch. It meant a lot I think to all of us.

Being open brought this incredible opportunity to me and allowed me to participate in it and reap the benefits of it and do something that maybe I would not have thought to do if I hadn’t been open to something. That wasn’t exactly what I had planned on doing. I think that the other important thing about openness is that we like to think that we can control everything in our lives and I’m sure everyone’s got examples that they can look back on where that’s just not true. We can certainly prepare for things and influence things.

Many times life turns out differently than how we wanted it to or how we planned it to. If you can have a perspective of openness, then I’ve found that it makes it easier to find that silver lining or to have faith that there’s a reason for why things happen the way they did. You might not know it now but sometime in the future, you will. Being open, for me it’s helped to lift anxiety around what’s happened or what might happen and instead just have faith that it’s going to work out.

If you can have a perspective of openness, it makes it easier to find that silver lining or to have faith that there's a reason why things happen the way they did. Click To Tweet

Challenging Assumptions And Considering Possibilities

Absolutely and look today now, you’re even talking about what you’re grateful for in terms of that experience.  That’s the appreciation part and all of these wonderful friends in your network who you continue to be affiliated with is such a wonderful blessing. Loree, let me also ask you this. Your book is also about challenging assumptions and considering other possibilities. How have you used those concepts that say to advise some of your clients? Maybe give us an example or two about how these concepts have also worked for other people.

Many times I work with clients because they’re feeling stuck in some place. Many times there’s something they want to do but they feel like they can’t or they feel like they shouldn’t and they don’t know how to. What I really enjoy about coaching is just asking questions of my clients that help them to really challenge their assumptions about what they should do, what they can do what they want to do and get clear are these voices in your head telling you that you can’t or you shouldn’t.

Are they your voices or are these things that are coming up for you because of things that you’ve heard growing up or from other people in your life or even society with societies judgments about what people should be doing or shouldn’t be doing? In my work, what I do with clients is we have discussions around these topics to pressure test assumptions that they might have and to discover if are these the things that are holding them back, is it real or is it a story in their head? Often it is a story in their head that’s around some kind of fear. I talk about fear a lot in the book because I think I do feel like that’s probably the biggest thing that holds us back from living the life that we want to live.

That’s great. Yeah, fear is one of the things to stands in the way. It’s one of the reasons people might not choose joy for their lives. You’re helping your clients to really think through other options and maybe to challenge and test the assumptions that they already have in mind. Without revealing any confidences maybe just give us an example of one client who went through something and they maybe came out on the other side thinking about it differently.

I had a client who was a startup founder and they really wanted to have a family but did not have a partner. They originally hired me to help them with some product development with their startup that they weren’t really sure. They needed some accountability in the development. As we work together, what came up was not so much the focus on the product but more the focus on this person and how much they were concerned about starting a family. While we were working together, they ended up meeting somebody and starting a family and what I found interesting was that was really not the intention when I was hired by them to do this work.

I find this happens a lot with my clients because leaders, and executives are human beings and we all have stuff going on in our lives and it’s tough. I think especially for executives and leaders because everyone looks to you and expects you to have all the answers. A lot of times that’s a very lonely position to be in because you don’t really have anybody to speak with who is devoid of any kind of influence or connection or baggage or all those things that coworkers, partners, family members have when you’re having a conversation with them.

With this particular client, I just was delighted to see how happy they were to bring something into their lives that had been in the back of their mind and in the back of their heart, but they hadn’t really acknowledged because they were so focused on work and their startup was really taking the distraction I think. An easy distraction from what they really wanted, which was a family. It was fulfilling for me to be able to support them as they went down that path.

What I love about that story Loree is that it shows you are paying attention to the whole person. Not just the person at work really getting an understanding of what they really wanted, what they really value holistically all across the board. You could have let’s say addressed the product issue and the person still would have left unfulfilled. That’s really beautiful that you’re looking at the person from a comprehensive perspective in that way.

Thank you. The coaching program that I went through is the co-active training institute and one of the tenants is that we regard our clients as naturally creative resourceful and whole. I love that perspective because I don’t think it’s helpful to view anybody as broken. I don’t think people are broken. I think people just have experiences that are really challenging that they’re struggling with and sometimes they need a little support to get through it, but we’re all naturally creative, resourceful, and whole.

People are not broken. People just have experiences that are really challenging, that they're struggling with, and sometimes they need a little support to get through it. We're all naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. Click To Tweet

Do The Things You Love

Absolutely, you mentioned to one of the things that is important in the book is to do things that we love to do and we know that in the workplace many people feel like I’m just stuck in this job. I’m oppressed. I’m not doing what I really want to do. Why is it so important to do the things that we love and how can people get to it when it looks like it’s not a pathway?

I think we just always assume that we’re not going to be able to do the things that we love and find success. Being able to again get back to that self-awareness of what’s most important to you and what do you want more of in your life enables us to identify how do we want to live this life. What do we want in our life? One of the exercises I recommend is one that was given to me by my yoga instructor which was to write my obituary.

I think when you sit down and really reflect on our mortality, that brings more focus into how we’re spending every day and what direction we’re living our lives in because we don’t get a do-over. It’s not like we get to the end of the road and it’s like, “Now that I’ve worked in this job that I didn’t love for 20 years. Now, I finally get to go do something I love.” Well, we don’t know if we’re gonna have 20 years.

It’s so important to go after the things that we love doing and have faith that it is going to work out. Again, it’s not always gonna work out exactly how we want but if we’re doing the things that we want to do then I feel like we’re living a life that is fulfilling. I think we get very caught up in the objectives versus the process and so the doing like what is it that I want to accomplish versus how do I want to be in the world as I’m doing these things maybe it gets to this accomplishment maybe it doesn’t and how can I make sure I’m doing things that I enjoy in life.

I think another piece of that Loree from what I’m hearing and what you say is another aspect we talked about earlier, which is energy because if you’re doing what you really love what you really want to do, you’ll be energized and fueled for that and the opportunities will come because you’re on that energy path as opposed to in a resistance state about things that maybe you really don’t want to.

So true Dr. Karen and I feel like I mean you and I probably sense this when you walk into a room, you can feel the energy state and the people that are in there. Like there is something about it. I love that. We’re starting to see more scientific research around this because I think it’s very easy to dismiss it. As I guess you’d call it woo woo kind of stuff but there is something about energy states and vibrational States.

Being aware of that and understanding that bringing more positive energy into the world is going to help you. I think most of us want to be in a positive state and it can be really difficult sometimes what we can choose, what kind of energy we want to be in. Understanding that and being aware and making the choices to be doing things that bring us positive energy. I think it’s so important and unfortunately, I think it gets dismissed a lot as being something that’s out of our control.

Loree’s Relationship With Her Children

Yeah, when really we could make some different choices. Loree, one of the things you said some minutes ago was that your child was really an inspiration for writing this book and you wrote a letter to your child. What I wanted to ask you is, how are your children perceiving this work? How have you launched them as a result?

My kids are really proud of me which makes me feel amazing. I’m really proud of them too. Both of my kids have had some really tough challenges growing up. Growing up in this world as a teenager with social media, I just can’t even imagine. It has been tough for both of them and I’m hoping that the book will serve as a One-Stop shop for all of moms advice about life.

I also hope that when they read it they remember the things that I did tell them as they were growing up around being appreciative for the things in their life and being open and everything in the SOAR acronym but also that it’s not always going to be easy and that’s okay. They’re strong they’ll get through it and to also appreciate when things are going really well in life and to make sure that we stop and know it because we know that won’t last forever. I hope that they both have found inspiration from it. I know one of my children has written a review on Amazon. I appreciate that. Yeah, I know it’s been nice to be able to share that with them.

Actually, that’s quite a compliment right there because children see the inside story and sometimes they may not be as complementary. However, to get an Amazon review from your child is very special. I love the fact that you wrote it in such a way that they can take this book with them and said, “This is like my compendium of everything that Mom has ever shared with us that’s valuable and that we can use for our career and personal lives as we move forward.”

I think that’s wonderful. That’s part of your what I would call living leadership Legacy for your children as well. Thank you for sharing what’s happened with them along the way. Now, Loree, I know that you’re a public speaker and you speak about many topics. What are some of your favorite topics to talk about?

Managing Fear

I love talking about fear. I think they expect that given what I used to do in the Navy. How did I deal with fear? The funny thing is that yes, that is a particular type of fear. The fear that you are literally going to die, but that’s not really the fear that I talk about mostly. It’s more about the fear that’s in our head and all the stories we tell ourselves about why we don’t do the things that we really care about or that we want to do for fear of not being enough or fear of being rejected or fear of not being liked. All these fears.

I really enjoy speaking with audiences about how to manage that fear like why we have it, how do you manage it, and how do you move forward and create a life that you love. The SOAR acronym certainly helps with that but I think really calling out fear because we talk about fear a lot and I think it’s important to distinguish that there are some fears that are very good for us. You don’t want to be standing on top of a high building with nothing in between you and a 20-story dropped to the ground but there are a lot of fears that are just imaginary in our head.

I think being able to talk with audiences and Inspire them to manage that fear and to go out and pursue the things that they love to do. I love being able to do that and I’ve gotten so much from hearing other speakers or reading books where I have felt motivated and inspired by their stories. I’m hoping that my stories will help inspire people as well.

Actually, that’s a very good point because if someone is fearful of something and they read your book and say, “She walked through this successfully,” it sort of gives the picture I could do it too. I think that really is helpful to have role models to have pictures and examples along the way and as you know, I was in the Army there were a lot of fearful circumstances and situations there too and just being able to see that, yes there’s fear and to have the courage to walk through it anyway. That’s a lot about what we’re really talking about.

Absolutely and I think as veterans, we understand that and I feel like we are fortunate in a way because we were put in situations where it was scary, but you have to do it. You have no choice and so many times it’s because not as much that you’re afraid you’re gonna get yelled at but it’s more you don’t want to let your fellow soldiers down, your fellow sailors down, and you’re part of a team. That helps give you the strength to be courageous and to take that step.

Absolutely. Loree, when you’re speaking what are some of the most common questions that people ask you?

Male Mentors

I had a great question from a talk a couple of months ago, which was did I have any male mentors that helped me along the way? I was speaking with a large group of women and I loved that question because that is such an important thing to point out. I wasn’t successful in my first appointment because I was so wonderful. I mean I definitely worked hard and all that but I was successful because I had strong male leaders who made sure that I was learning and that when I was struggling they were showing me what I was doing wrong, how I could get better. Yes, that is so important.

I think for any traditionally marginalized group, we need to have people in the dominant group looking out for everybody especially those people who historically have not had the same opportunities. On that deployment, my commanding officer who I don’t think was thrilled happy to have women in this Squadron. He treated me just like everybody else. Treating me professionally, but also he had my back but he also was super demanding of me and everybody else.

There were a couple of junior officers who were prior enlisted. They were a little older and a little more experienced and similarly, I don’t think they were super thrilled about having women there, but they wanted to make the mission work and so they took all of us first-timers under their wings. Having that support really made a difference.

I’m so glad you talked about that because I think some people have a misunderstanding and they believe they can only have let’s say coaching or mentoring by someone who’s exactly like them and I think that you need coaching from multiple people some who are like you and some who are not. If you for example in a male-dominated area or field those men for years have been doing that work. They know what the success factors are and you need to learn from them to figure out what the success factors are as well. I think it’s great to have male coaches and mentors and leaders that you learn from and when we’re learning from each other we actually are going to bring more abilities to the table.

One of my favorite lessons in business school was a mathematical proof that our finance instructor walked us through showing how diverse portfolios will have a higher return. Besides the mathematical aspect of it, it’s just the right thing to do having diverse experiences from diverse backgrounds from diverse experience all that matters and it makes better teams, better results all of those things. I think we were lucky being in the military is really one of the more diverse organizations. Unfortunately, the upper ranks are still pretty male and pretty white, but when you look at enlisted ranks in junior officers and even the level officers, it’s still a lot of diversity which is important and I think bringing those experiences just makes a team higher performing.

Having diverse experiences from diverse backgrounds matters, and it makes for better teams and better results. Click To Tweet

In fact, research also says that when the task is complex. That’s when you most need a diverse team and you’re going to get different viewpoints and different perspectives on the complexity of the task and certainly flying combat missions that’s complex. You want to have different eyes on i,t different life experiences and backgrounds and I would even say that the women who were doing this maybe for the first time who hadn’t done it before, also had important lenses they were bringing to share that the men could learn from as well.

Yeah, absolutely. I can’t say enough about the importance of diversity especially having lived through it in the Navy and even in Silicon Valley. It’s still a very male-dominated environment in Tech and being able to have diverse perspectives is incredibly important because we’re building products for everybody. Not just for white men. Being able to bring in that diversity was really important.

What’s Next For Loree

Now you have accomplished so much so far. We talked about the one-woman show, you have a new book, and you have previous books that all this. What’s next for you? What are you pursuing? What’s important at this stage?

At this stage, I want to continue supporting leaders. I continue doing coaching. My executive coaching, my team training as well as speaking to audiences to help inspire leaders as well as audiences. In particular, I love talking with women because I really appreciate their experience and what they’re going through and I can relate to that obviously but also being able to share some stories and hopefully provide some helpful tips for dealing with challenges and dealing with fear.

I think what’s next is I’m continuing to do public speaking. I’m continuing to do coaching. My show, I have two performances here in New York City. Then after that, I don’t know if I’m going to continue performing that or not. We’ll see. I’m kind of up in the air on that right now. I enjoy doing it and I think I just need to decide if I want to do more with it. We’ll see that one’s a little bit of an unknown at this point.

At least you have options going forward.

Absolutely, I’m so fortunate. I mean it’s been related as well. Doing the show helps my public speaking. I’ve been taking classes here in New York. I’ve been taking improv classes which help with my show which helps with public speaking. It’s been really fun just to be in this more creative state or stage of my life. I’m hoping to continue that.

I think you also mentioned something about the distinguished career institute. What is that? How did that make you figure into your next steps?

I’m so excited. I have been accepted as a DCI fellow. DCI is the Distinguished Career Institute at Stanford University. This is a cohort-based fellowship that brings about 20 to 30 people together. Leaders, people who have had careers who are wondering what to do in the back half of their life and it enables us to take a year of classes at Stanford and to go through this program together as a cohort. That starts next fall and I’m really excited about participating in that so I’m curious to see if it alters what I choose to do next.

At this point, I’m really enjoying supporting leaders, talking with audiences, and sharing my stories. You never know. I mean before I walked into that hanger on a military air station and saw airplanes. I had no idea about flying as I mentioned earlier and then it became my life for the next 14 years or so. Who knows what will happen there? I’m always open to possibilities. We’ll see.

Who knows we might see the one-woman show on the West Coast too.

That would be so fun.

Exactly, so it could be the spread of a movement. That’s one of the possibilities. Loree, how can people reach you? How can they get the book and suppose someone wants to contact you for a public speaking, keynote experience, or something of that sort?

Thanks, Dr. Karen. My website is and there’s more information about my coaching, and speaking and there’s a link to the show there as well. I’m on Instagram and Facebook. Profiles Loree Draude. I’m also on LinkedIn. Probably the best place is my website and there’s a way to contact me there.

Excellent. We’ll make sure that the website is also in the show notes to facilitate people remembering the unique spelling of both your first and your last name in that case. That’s phenomenal that people can reach you that way. You’ve shared a lot of wisdom with us so far today and what additional words of wisdom do you want to leave for my community of corporate business executives?

I would say know what you want in life and don’t wait to get it. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. As much as we hope there will be a tomorrow and tomorrow after that and months and years, we just really don’t know so I would really encourage everybody to start living the life that you want now and don’t wait.

Know what you want in life and don't wait to get it. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Click To Tweet

That’s a really important one. It’s kind of like a Carpe Diem, seize the day moment. It’s true. We don’t know how long we’ll be here or how short we might be here. All the more reason to really think about these things and to begin now to live in the present. That’s what I’m hearing you say with that as well.

Yes. Thank you. That’s a nice summarized way of saying it.

Well good. We’re working together here. Thank you so much, Loree, you’re always wonderful guests to share just wonderful wisdom with the community and I really appreciate it. I know that corporate executives also want to SOAR in whatever they’re doing. Thank you for sharing with this community as well.

It’s my pleasure, Dr. Karen. It’s always wonderful to speak with you.

You too. Today we are going to close out with the Bible verse that comes from Isaiah 40: 31. It says, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall Mount up with wings like eagles. They show them to run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.” What I’d like to say to everyone today is that if you really want to get that tailwind when we’re flying through life, put God at the front and at the help because he’s the one that gives us the power to really SOAR like eagles and to do all that. It’s even beyond our own individual ability without his supernatural empowerment.

We don’t know how fast we’ll be able to walk, how fast we’ll be able to run fly, or SOAR until we test God in essence at his word that he’s there to make the difference. Whatever you’re doing, wherever you’re going, make sure that God is in and at the center. Thank you, and we’ll see you next time.

Hello, it’s Dr. Karen here. I’m here to celebrate the work of the Bible League, which is a global Ministry that provides Bible, Ministry study materials, and through activities like Project Philip also teaches and trains local people on how to share the word of God. Today, the president and CEO of Bible League, Jos Snoep is with me to share a little bit more about what the Bible League is doing.

The beauty of the local church is that it is the body of Christ and it is the holy spirit that is calling the the local church to be engaged in the Great Commission. As Bible League, we just came alongside those local pastors last year. I met a pastor named Rolando in the Amazon and he has this great vision to reach 200 communities with the word of God and we’re able to come alongside them and help them with Bibles and resources.

Thank you so much, Jos. We are all partners together. You the Bible League on the hands and feet of the local people on the ground and there are partners and donors out there who can be hands and feet to you as you also share with others. Those of you who are listening if you want to be part of this ministry, and I invite you to be a part of it. I’m a part of it. Go to or see more about the ministry and see how you can participate and donate.


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About Loree Draude

The Voice of Leadership | Loree Draude | Soar Into JoyLoree Draude was one of the first women in the Navy to fly combat jets. She deployed twice to the Persian Gulf, accumulating over 300 carrier landings and 1600 flight hours. After completing her naval service, Loree led product, marketing, and operations teams at start-ups and tech companies, including Google and Meta. A proven leader and entrepreneur, she now advises and coaches executives and founders on how to improve their leadership.

Loree is the author of a new book, “Soar Into Joy: A Combat Pilot’s Wisdom on Living a Fulfilling Life” and star of the sold-out and award-winning one-woman Off Broadway show “I Feel the Need.” Listen today as Loree speaks with Dr. Karen about how to soar joyfully into new professional and personal pursuits.

Reach Loree at

October 17, 2023

The Dells: A Portrait of Success Through Collaboration and Persistence (Episode # 446)

What does a 1950s R&B doo wop group have in common with executive business leadership? How does friendship, collaboration, and adaptability contribute to the longevity and success of an organization? What specific qualities are essential to the growth and success of your business?

In today’s episode Dr. Karen shares how the R&B group The Dells achieved over 50 years of success through commitment to their craft, resilience, versatility, teamwork, and creativity. She also explains how commitment and well-timed partnerships contribute to the overall success of your organization.

Contact Dr. Karen to create innovative “leadership music” for your company:

October 10, 2023

Globalization: Supply Chain and Beyond: Interview with Patrick Daly (Episode # 445)

How do current global conditions influence and reshape the strategies that companies employ to manage their supply chain networks? How does disruption in the supply chain impact the movement of goods and services? When do businesses adjust processes to keep pace with global shifts? Guest Patrick Daly shares his observations on how instability, inflation, and the emergence of new economic competitors impact globalization. He also shares how to mitigate risk by understanding the complexity and dependencies within sourcing tiers.

Patrick Daly, a global supply chain expert, is the Managing Director of Alba Consulting based in Dublin, Ireland. He works with top Fortune 500 companies in manufacturing, distribution, and logistics services in Europe, Asia, the Americas, and beyond. Due to his innovative interventions his clients achieve dramatic improvements in their supply chain capabilities and performance excellence.

Patrick is the author of the book “International Supply Chain Relationships: Creating Competitive Advantage in a Globalized Economy,” host of the globally focused Interlinks podcast and the weekly short video series, “The Week That’s in It,” and author of “The Strategic Context” newsletter on Linked-In.

Listen today as Patrick and Dr. Karen share valuable insights on the shifting global business landscape.

Reach Patrick Daly at