May 16, 2019

The Impact of Technology on Communication

We have so many technology options available to us today. These options impact our communication in ways we couldn’t imagine years ago. Listen to this podcast as Dr. Karen talks about the effects of technology on our lives and businesses. She also warns about the importance of keeping face-to-face communication as one of the options.

May 9, 2019

Love Language from Mom

“Not everyone is like you!” is what Dr. Karen heard from her Mother. There is a tremendous amount of wisdom most of us can learn from our mothers. What “Mom” wisdom have you and your team members heard and how can you now apply this learning to the work place?

May 7, 2019

Share Information

Are you or your teams hoarding information? Listen to this podcast to hear why Dr. Karen believes shared information is the most powerful information. How can you as the senior leader improve the effectiveness of your message?

May 2, 2019

Listen to Understand

There are several components to effective communication and listening is one of the most important. In this podcast, Dr. Karen shares her insights about listening and why the three Ps are critical to improve your listening.