July 26, 2022

Shundrawn Thomas: Top Executive, Wall Street Insider, and Man of Faith

Black Enterprise Magazine identified Shundrawn Thomas as one of the 75 most powerful Blacks on Wall St. and one of the most powerful executives in corporate America. Most recently President and Chief Executive of Northern Trust Asset Management and Management Group member, he also held key roles at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Known industry wide as an innovator in investment management and a champion of socially responsible investing, Shundrawn is also the author of four books, including Discover Joy in Work: Transforming Your Occupation into Your Vocation. Today he speaks with Dr. Karen about his unique brand of leadership, how he successfully navigated corporate America as a Black man in top financial services companies, and his new business venture.

Reach Shundrawn Thomas at ShundrawnThomas.com

July 21, 2022

What Does it Take to be a Christian Executive Force Multiplier?

The effective Christian Executive Force Multiplier must also address his or her own development and use of spiritual resources. Prayer, which is a two-way conversation between God and us, is one of the spiritual tools. What other resources are important? Dr. Karen shares the top requirements for Christian Executive success as Force Multipliers at work.

Request a consultation with Dr. Karen to multiply your capabilities: www.transleadership.com/apply

July 19, 2022

The Christian Executive as a Force Multiplier

Borrowed from military wisdom when she was in the Army, Dr. Karen says that a Force Multiplier is the use of resources and strategies in such a way as to multiply capabilities. Christian executives are in a unique position to operate as Force Multipliers when they effectively coach and mentor their top talent. Dr. Karen says this development goes beyond focus on strengths and gifts to also include exploration of character issues for maximum long-term success. Learn the importance of being a Force Multiplier in your organization and the key strategies to make the process work in your Company.

Request a consultation with Dr. Karen to multiply your capabilities: www.transleadership.com/apply

July 12, 2022

Steven Perry, Author of “The Capacity Model: How to Build Your Best Life”

Steven Perry is the author of “The Capacity Model: How to Build Your Best Life.” Dr. Karen speaks with Steve about his tools to intentionally grow capacity, his secrets to financial and life success, and how to live a life of radical generosity. As a nationally recognized financial professional, speaker, and leader, Steve explains his belief that stress is a gift and shares success strategies that result in a life of significance.

Reach Steve Perry at Steve-Perry.com


July 7, 2022

Whose Priorities are We Following?

God provides our food, shelter, clothing, and everything else we need when we prioritize His priorities. When we make our priorities first over God’s priorities, our lives don’t work as well. Why is it that we close the doors on God while we are walking through the doors He has opened on our behalf? In this episode Dr. Karen provides additional thoughts and reflections on priorities. God wants us to glorify Him among the nations. Dr. Karen concludes with some powerful questions for you, the marketplace ministry leader, to reflect upon.

July 5, 2022

People Desire to Be Free

God has built the desire for freedom into our DNA. Although extremely valuable, the price of freedom is costly and is not free. In this episode, Dr. Karen takes us through the financial, human, and other costs of the American Revolution. She also draws a connection between national freedom and spiritual freedom and challenges executive leaders to create business cultures of freedom rather than oppression.

June 28, 2022

Michael Chatman: “The Christian Beer Man” Philanthropist CEO

Recognized by Nonprofit Times Magazine as one of the most influential philanthropic leaders in America, Michael Chatman is the CEO of The Community Foundation: The Global Center for Generosity located in Cape Coral, Florida. He also previously worked as a Global Corporate Marketplace Ministry leader. In this interview, Dr. Karen speaks with Michael Chatman about his visionary leadership, commitment to generosity, and how he got the names, “The Christian Beer Man,” “Black Hippie,” and “The Love Leader.” Listen to learn and apply his success secrets.

Reach Michael Chatman at CapeCoralcf.org; 239-542-5594

June 23, 2022

The Rolling Stones Sixty Tour: Success Leaves Clues Part 2

In this 2nd part episode, Dr. Karen continues her reflection on the iconic Rolling Stones Rock Band. She talks about what The Rolling Stones did to find their distinct and unique voice in the early years and what they do now to continue powerful and dynamic shows while in their late 70s. Dr. Karen summarizes 10 lessons we can learn and apply to business such as learning and growing from mistakes and leveraging opportunities. Hear and apply the rest of the lessons to create a profound impact for your organization.

June 21, 2022

The Rolling Stones Sixty Tour: Success Leaves Clues Part 1

In this episode, Dr. Karen pays tribute to The Rolling Stones Rock band for their 60th Anniversary. Since success leaves clues, Dr. Karen reflects on the keys to their success and longevity as the only British band to have hits in each of six different decades. This Part One episode focuses on their back story, start, and early years. She also shares the life, business, and inspirational lessons we can learn from them on how to stay relevant for the long game.

June 14, 2022

Dennis Welch Interview II: “What Love Makes Us Do”

Dennis Welch is the author of 500 songs, many of which listeners hear on the radio. He recently released his latest album, “What Love Makes Us Do.” Nashville veteran producer, record company owner, and manager Tony Mantor recorded Dennis’ song, “Why Not Me?” and named his 2020 album after the song. Mantor’s “Why Not Me?” was on the Top 10 List for 15 weeks. Dennis is now finishing a children’s book, “Why Not Me?” His granddaughter is the illustrator. On today’s show, Dennis sings and Dr. Karen speaks with Dennis about his life as a songwriter and how he prayed to God and got unexpected results.

Reach Dennis at Welch-Words.com; www.bearticulate.com